Dog Not Eating in Summer – What to Do?

Before we start talking about a dog not eating in summer, let’s ask a simple question. How much do you eat in the summer? Do you switch your diet to more salads, and easier/lighter meals because of the hot weather?

Your dog is the same.

If you have noticed your dog’s appetite to go down during the summer, it can be quite normal. Your dog suddenly starts refusing his/her favorite meal, and you are worried, what happened? Well, while it can be a health issue, in most cases, it is due to the heat.

Now, it is good to panic and be worried if your dog is not eating. That means you are being vigilant about the health of your dog. But before you go into panic mode, you have to consider a couple of other things.

For example, what type of food do you give your dog in the summer? Should you switch it? And how to help your dog eat in the summer. With that in mind, let’s talk more about a dog not eating in summer scenarios.

Foods to Avoid in Summer

If you make a comparison between humans and dogs, you will notice we both exhibit similar behavior during the summer. We both cannot stand the heat.

Dogs are even more problematic since their fur keeps them warm. With that in mind, there are certain foods that you are better off in the summer. If your dog’s food contains some of these ingredients, switch to lighter food, or start preparing raw meals for your dog.

Food energetics

There are certain energetics in foods, or if you like to call them food energetics, that is fine as well. These foods bring heat to our bodies, and truth be told, they are better off of your summer menu. Certain foods are even considered hot. Those include popular meat choices like chicken, turkey, and lamb.

Sweet potato, another popular homemade dog ingredient is also a food energetic, as well as herbs like basil, rosemary, cinnamon, turmeric, and ginger. Because they warm your dog, even more, remove them from the menu.

Fatty protein

Your dog needs protein and healthy fats. Those two are energy for his muscles and stamina. However, there are certain fatty proteins that are just not good for the summer menu.

For example, salmon is one of those fishes your dog will probably refuse during the summer. If you go for fish, go for one that is lower in fatty acids and protein during the summer.

Greasy pork meat falls into the same category.

Why Your Dog Does Not Eat?

If your dog is not eating in summer, you should definitely consult with a veterinarian. However, there are a couple of reasons that are not linked to health issues, but they are factors in your dog’s diet. If your dog is eating less, in some cases, far less than usual, it is just normal and natural occurrence.

Here are a few reasons why your dog is not eating.

It is too hot

We mentioned previously, just like humans, dogs are affected by the summer temperatures. When it is too hot, we all want to stay inside and just be cool. Your dog does not want to go outside as well. You should also consider your dog’s regular temperature.

Normal human temperature is between 97.6 to 99.6. For dogs, normal is between 101 and 102.5 degrees. That slight jump makes a huge difference, especially considering their fur and coat. Things get extra toasty, which is why your dog just wants to cool down.

Your dog is less active

Because your dog lies inside for most of the day, he doesn’t burn his energy. And because he does not burn energy, he does not need fuel.

In some cases, dogs don’t even want to go out to do their business. Some dogs opt to hold it for much longer than usual, just so he can avoid the heat. Lack of activity and productivity leads to reduced energy requirements.

Does your dog need less food?

Dogs often act based on their energy levels in terms of food intake. When they are in resting mode and hang around, their energy requirements drop down. So does their appetite. We make the mistake of not taking that into consideration, and still, feed our dog two times per day.

Now, while feeding your dog two times per day can be fine, you just have to alter the diet. You might not need to reduce the intake, but you can alter the menu. During the summer, we want fresh and light meals. The same goes for your puppy as well.

Foods for Hot days

We talked previously about some foods you should avoid during the summer days. Once the summer days are here, your dog does not need foods that additionally increase his body temperature. Instead, he craves for food that will help him cool down.

Here are some ideas:

  • White fish
  • Carp
  • Beef
  • Tripe
  • Liver meat
  • Kidneys
  • Rabbit
  • Duck
  • Eggs
  • Yogurt
  • Blueberries
  • Cranberries
  • Lettuce
  • Watermelon
  • Broccoli
  • Pumpkin

All of these foods are easy on your dog’s digestive tract and offer some great flavor. You can add any of these foods to your dog’s food to entice him to eat. Just mix a little with his normal food, and your dog’s food will have extra flavor.

Tips for Summer Diet

Last, but not least, let’s talk about some tips about summer diet for your dog. Follow these extra tips, and your dog will be just fine.

  • Follow your dog’s appetite, and adjust portions accordingly
  • If the weather is too hot, you can skip breakfast occasionally
  • Consider fasting once per week, or partial fasting. Just give your dog one raw meaty bone in the evening to chew
  • Provide meals at room temperature or slightly cooler. Just don’t give your dog too cold meals
  • Feed your dog in a cool and shady place
  • Avoid fatty meats

The Ice Cream Solution

People love consuming ice cream in the summer as a way to cool down their body. Dogs would love that as well. While you should not feed your dogs regular ice cream because of the sugar content, you can make healthy ice cream.

There are a couple of ways to prepare ice cream for your dogs. We will give you two recipes, one which is meatier, and one that is more fruity. It is up to you to choose which one to prepare.

For meaty ice cream, boil some chicken soup, chicken meat, and carrots. Let the soup cool down, and then add some of your dog’s favorite kibble in the soup.

Pour the mixture into muffin tin pans, and then place it in the freezer. Let it freeze for 10 to 12 hours. Simply warm the muffin tin on heat for a few seconds, and remove just one ice cream when you want to feed it to your dog.

For the second, fruity recipe, you need a banana, peanut butter, and Greek yogurt. Mix all of the ingredients in a blender, and then put into bowls for freezing. Freeze for 10 to 12 hours, and then serve to your dog.

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