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Dog Toys For Outdoors – How To Have Fun This Summer?

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When the weather starts to get warm, it is time to get out. Take advantage of the season and play outside with your puppy. Of course, you should be careful and prevent overheating. Do not go out in the high sun. Throwing a tennis ball can get dull after a while. That is why we have some ideas for dog toys for outdoors.

The sun is out, the days are longer, and after a long season of staying in, it is time to get out. Let’s take a look at some outdoor play activities you can try.

What Makes An Outdoor Toy Good?

We know dog toys come in all shapes, kinds, and sizes. But what is the best outdoor dog toy? What makes a great durable dog toy for the outdoors?

Well, first things first, it has to be a tough one. The best outdoor dog toy should withstand the weather and some pretty long play sessions. Second, and also important, it needs to be engaging. If your dog doesn’t want to play with the interactive toy, it can be the most durable one. But nobody will want to play with it.

So, with that in mind, if you have extra space for running, we present you some of the best dog toys for the outdoors.

Sprinkler Pad


A sprinkler pad is a great option for cooling and chilling on hot summer days. Your jolly pets will have a blast splashing around in the sprinkler pad. And most importantly, it will keep them cool on hot days.

Sprinkler pad toys are super easy to use. All you have to do is attach the pad to a hose with the included connector. You can fold it afterward and pack it for transport.

Tether Tug Toy


This outdoor toy has been rising up the ranks in popularity. Your furry friend will love it. I can safely say, it will be one of the best investments you can make. It is definitely a great invention.

Your pup will look like a big fish caught on a line. It is great for outdoor fun. It allows your dog to pull with all his might for as long as he wants to play.

And all you have to do is sit back and watch. It is an amazing toy for larger dogs that love playing tug-of-war.

It is an amazing toy for hyperactive dogs that need to burn plenty of energy.

Sport Launcher


Does your dog love to play with a tennis ball? Well, we said in the beginning that balls can get boring. But a sport launcher? Or an automatic ball launcher? Now that is a whole new level of playing.

Your throwing arm can take a back seat and allow the launcher to do the job. It is another great toy for burning some energy when you have a hyper dog.

Jolly Ball


If you are looking for a durable dog toy, you have found it. The jolly ball was specially designed to be kicked, tugged, thrown, carried, and launched. This dog toy can do everything.

Even for aggressive chewers, the jolly ball can do it. There are several different styles available online. But the basic premise is the same. It consists of a hollow sphere with a thick rubber exterior shell. The shell should be tough yet flexible.

The jolly ball is also good for some mental stimulation for your puppy.



When we talk about the best dog toys for the outdoors, we cannot forget the Frisbee. It is a classic toy, but a good one nevertheless. Some toys remain great no matter how old they are. If you have a disc dog in the family, this durable and lightweight toy can do the trick.

Zeus Bomber


Our next item on the list is the Zeus bomber. The tough toy is perfect for outdoor play. The durable rubber toy is constructed of 100% natural rubber. You can get it in different sizes.

But be ready. This toy is heavy. You should only use it for dogs that have strong necks and powerful jaws. You can toss it at a great distance and provide some interactive play for your furry friend. Your pup can also roll it around, and the handle makes it easy to carry it around.

Kong Squeezz


When it comes to durable dog toys, Kong does it best. Every toy the company produces is made of extremely durable rubber.
This fetch toy is amazing for larger dogs that love to play outdoors. Once you throw it, the toy will continue to roll and bounce. And it has a unique recessed squeaker that makes a noise when your puppy squeezes it.

You can also get it with a rope handle, an option that turns this outdoor dog toy into a perfect tug toy.

Outdoor Swimming Pool


When it comes to outdoor fun, nothing beats the swimming pool, right? Nowadays, there are countless options you can find on the market.
Pools are the best way to keep your pup cool while exercising during the warmer months. If you do not live near a beach or lake, get a pool.
Most of them come with a simple setup, unfold, fill with water, and let the splashing begin.

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