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How To Get a Great Pyrenees To Sleep At Night? Understanding Your Guard Dog’s Temperament

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Great Pyrenees dogs are some of the best family dogs. That might surprise you, but this guard dog is a gentle giant in the family. Why? Because these dogs are calm, patient, gentle, docile, and just love to be around people. But they have one downside, and that is their sleepless nights. How to get a Great Pyrenees to sleep at night? Let’s talk about it.

These dogs are some of the biggest and fluffiest canines in the world. The gentle giant will make a great family dog. But you have to remember.

The Great Pyrenees breed was bred to guard livestock. And even when living in suburban settings, they tend to take on the role of a watchdog.

Why Don’t They Sleep At Night?

The main reason your Great Pyrenees dog might not sleep at night is he was bred to guard and protect livestock. They were bred to actively roam huge farms, acres, and acres of land to protect it against predators during the night.

Another reason is they didn’t get enough exercise throughout the day. And it might be that your Great Pyrenees might be uncomfortable in his/her bed. This is a large dog breed, one that needs space to sleep.

Last, but not least, a poor-quality diet is another possible reason for your Pyrenees not sleeping at night.

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Are The Great Pyrenees Nocturnal?

Yes, you can say that the Great Pyrenees dog is nocturnal. These dogs are active at night, which is why a lot of people consider them to be nocturnal. Yet, we have to say, that they do not have nocturnal traits like night vision. But they are alert and on guard when the sun goes down.

A lot of people think of skunks and bats when you mention the word nocturnal animals. Yet, the definition is animals that are more active at night than during the day. Sometimes, even cats can be classified as nocturnal, as they are quite active at night.

Great Pyrenees dogs have a sleep schedule that dates back to their origins. According to the American Kennel Club, they were bred be a livestock guardian dog. They lived high up in the mountains and protected herds of animals while their shepherds slept.

So, they were awake throughout the night and on alert. These dogs use their loud bark to keep predators away from the animals and farm. They roam around the flock and make sure everything is okay. During the day, they also act as guardians but will nap on and off. During the day, they are less alert.

When Do They Sleep?

You are probably asking, if these dogs are active in the evening, and during the day, when do they sleep? But you will notice these canines will spend a lot of the day sleeping. They are more likely to sleep during the daytime and be alert in the evening.

They know that their shepherd is awake during the day, so can be more relaxed. They do not sleep for long chunks of time at once. They are taking short naps, which is why it looks like they are always asleep.

But for these dogs, being a serial napper is part of the job. They have to be always on alert.

Does The Season Make a Difference?

Yes, this might surprise you, but they are more active when it is cooler weather outside. During the winter, they spend most of the day running. During the hot summer, they sleep more during the day, when it is too hot for them to do anything.

How Many Hours Do They Sleep?

It is hard to tell exactly how much a Great Pyrenees dog might sleep. Generally speaking, they need 10 to 12 hours of sleep per day.

These dogs are natural guardians. And as we said before, they are seasonal nappers, and will not sleep for full 12 hours all at once.

How To Get Them To Sleep?

Now let’s talk about how to get a Great Pyrenees to sleep at night. The most important thing is to introduce some routine and structure. If you add routine to their day, activities like long walks, jogging, or interactive games, these dogs will sleep more at night. The goal is to challenge their intellect during the day.

Another way to get your puppy to sleep is to provide a comfortable and soothing environment. Establish a consistent bedtime routine. And most importantly, make sure your dog has a cozy sleeping area.

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How To Establish a Routine?

The most important thing to get your dog to sleep at night is to establish a routine. Your dogs need a routine to promote healthy habits. Setting specific times for meals, walks, and bedtime helps your dog understand and anticipate its daily activity.

Regular meal times ensure your dog receives proper nutrition and maintains a balanced diet. Structured walks provide exercise and mental stimulation.

How To Exercise Your Great Pyrenees?

The day is the perfect time to engage your Great Pyrenees puppy in different exercise activities. What you can do? Here are some options:

  • Long walks
  • Brisk jogs
  • Playful sessions

The important thing is to make sure your dog releases its pent-up energy. Remember, these guardian dogs have plenty of energy and stamina. After all, they were bred to roam large farms.

Can You Train Your Great Pyrenees Not To Bark At Night?

There is no “one solution fits all”. Some Great Pyrenees dogs can be trained not to bark at night. Others might have too strong instincts and nature.

The most important thing is to set clear rules and boundaries for the dog. Use positive reinforcement to reward good behavior and appropriate behavior.

Where Should Your Great Pyrenees Sleep?

We mentioned before that it is important to provide a comfortable sleeping area for your Great Pyrenees dog to sleep at night. There are three great options.

  • Sleeping outside with room to roam
  • Sleeping inside in a large room with access to other rooms
  • Bring your dog to a crate

If you can crate train your Great Pyrenees pup, that will solve a lot of issues, including barking at night. Otherwise, the first two options cater to your dog’s natural instinct to roam and protect the home at night.

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