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Shades of Elegance: Understanding the Variety of Weimaraner Colors

Weimaraner colors
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The Weimaraner breed standard makes reference to a color called mouse gray, which isn’t even a selection you can check off when registering your puppy with the American Kennel Club. There is a very small difference in Weimaraner colors between silver gray and gray.

That makes it hard for people to fully understand the Weimaraner coat color palette. Some might say that these dogs are either blue, gray, or silver-gray. But that can be misleading. They appear in one of two colors, taupe, or dark gray. Then there are different shades of taupe and different shades of gray.

Quick History of the Breed

Weimaraner colors

The Weimaraner dog breed originated in the early 19th century. Initially, the dog was developed to hunt bears, boar, and other large game in the forests of Germany. The name comes from the region where it was first developed, the Weimar region in Germany. To this day, the canine has retained its exceptional tracking ability, athleticism, and intellect.

The original Weimar Pointer appeared in the 19th century, prized for its versatile hunting skills and remarkable character. The Nobles of Weimar were avid sportsmen hunting a variety of big game. They developed the breed to have exceptional tracking ability, courage, durability, and speed.

In the beginning, Nobles rigidly controlled the availability of the dogs. They wanted to ensure the future of the breed, so they formed the German Weimaraner Club. Membership was restricted, and only those who were members could own or breed the dogs.

In 1928, a New England sportsman, Howard Knight, applied for membership. He promised to protect the purity of the breed. And the club sent him two sterilized dogs. But Knight was determined to acquire foundation stock. In 1938, he finally got three female dogs and a puppy.

In 1942, the Weimaraner Club of America was formed, and they created the breed standard. The American Kennel Club recognized the dog breed in 1943.

Nowadays, this former hunting dog is enjoying renewed popularity as a family pet and companion.

Is There a Blue Weimaraner Color?

Weimaraner colors

Here is a fun fact. A lot of people think there is a Blue Weimaraner. But gray and blue are terms breeders use to describe different coat shades or variations within the breed. These terms are used interchangeably, and distinction varies on individual interpretation.

To understand it better, let’s take a look at the definition by the American Kennel Club.

  • A gray Weimaraner refers to the standard coat color of the breed, recognized by major kennel clubs like the AKC. It is described as silvery-gray or mouse-gray color. The gray Weimaraner coat color should be solid, with a smooth texture and without markings or patterns
  • A blue Weimaraner is sometimes used to describe a coat color appearing to have a bluish or slate gray tint. It is a variation within the gray spectrum. We use the term Blue Weimaraner puppy when the coat appears to be on the cooler or bluer side of the gray spectrum. It is a variation due to genetics and lighting conditions

What Does The AKC Say?

When purebred Weimaraner puppies are registered with the American Kennel Club, the breeder or owner can check one of the three boxes:

  • Blue
  • Gray
  • Silver gray

But that is misleading since Weimaraner puppies are one of two colors, taupe or dark gray. There are different shades of taupe and different shades of gray.

Understanding Genetics

If you want to look deeper into Weimaraner colors, let’s get to the nitty-gritty. What we consider silver, gray, or silver-gray, is scientifically a brown dog that has not fully pigmented. And what we consider a Blue Weimaraner is a black dog that has not fully pigmented.

Just look at the litter of a purebred Weimaraner. A purebred gray Weimaraner dog that has puppies with another breed, will have primarily brown litter. The puppies no longer genetically dilute. Same with the pure Weimaraner dog, if bred with an unknown breed of dog, the puppies will be primarily black.

It is genetically impossible for a Weimaraner mix to be gray.

Weimaraner colors

What Are The Possible Weimaraner Colors?

Nowadays, we appreciate Weimaraners for what they are, and that are wonderful family dogs. They love nothing more than to be in the presence of their pet parents and family. These dogs are quite attached and might be more of a clingy companion than an independent hunting dog. With that in mind, here are some possible Weimaraner colors.

  • A piebald Weimaraner has white speckling or stripping mixed with the natural coat color. These are the rarest form of Weimaraners. The amount of stripping can range from dog to dog, and some are covered in piebald speckles from head to toe
  • The colored point Weimaraner has markings similar to a Doberman. They look so similar, that some people might even mistake them
  • The white blaze Weimaraner has white markings on the center of their chest. The mark can range in size, but they only meet the AKC breed standard if the white mark on the chest is small. Some might also have white markings on their legs

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